A 25 day race for the motherload! Sell your Diamonds or deposit them to earn experience.
The choices are up to you!

This Game will end in:


MinerZoe is an ecosystem, which starts with an NFT. This NFT is a Diamond Miner. She can be staked and will be rewarded with Diamonds, a token. Diamonds can be staked, or as we call it "deposited" to earn Experience, another token. Experience can be used to level-up the NFT metadata and fight for a top 10 position on the leaderboard.

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In the example above, You’ll notice a box below your miner that shows her controls and stats. This information includes her status (Mining or Not Mining), her level, the Experience invested and required for the next level, and the rarity score. You also have the controls needed to list your Miner in the marketplace and add Experience to your miner to level her up. Mining miners earn Diamonds, shown below.

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“Sending your miners to mine” will stake your NFT, which will begin producing Diamonds and unlock the other token controls once the game has started. Claiming your Diamonds hauls them out of the mine. Depositing your Diamonds puts it in the bank. If you want to earn Experience to level-up your Miner, you need to put your Diamonds in the bank. If you take your Diamonds out of the bank, you’ll have to pay taxes (10%). Claiming your Experience from the bank makes them usable for leveling up. Are you impatient? Need Experience faster? You can trade your Diamonds for Experience at the ratio displayed in your credits control area.


MinerZoe will mine 16 Diamonds a day for the first 5 days that the game started. After 5 days, Diamonds become rarer and she’ll only produce 8 Diamonds (halving). This will continue until the game ends after 25 total days. Once the game ends, the top 10 people on the leaderboard will receive their AVAX prize! One random miner, not in the top 10, will also receive a prize from the development fund!

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Not only are Miners highly desirable, collectible NFTs, they also mine Diamonds. In short, when you stake your claim at JoesTown.com they start mining.



The native governance & utility token of Miners. ALL 1,000 Miners can mine Diamonds - the fuel of the MinerZoe ecosystem. Simply have your Miner stake her claim and she will start mining Diamonds!



The initial utility & banking reward token of Miners. ALL 1,000 Miners can be leveled up using Experience to top the leaderboard. Experience is earned by depositing Diamonds on JoesTown.com



Finally, once you’ve earned some Experience, use it to level-up your Miner so she rises on the leaderboard. Why? Because after 25 days, the game ends and the top 10 positions on the leaderboard earn BIG prizes..


Please enter the miner id below for detailed information


Our 1,000 algorithmically generated, unique Miners are no ordinary NFTs. MinerZoe is a complete ecosystem, inclusive of Tri-Token architecture, structured entirely around our limited supply of NFTs. This awesome architecture is designed to create a perpetual value-loop for our Miners.

General Questions (4)

If you are new to these parts, here are some pointers!

Where do I find more information in detail?
We have a documentation site with all the project information that's updated frequently. Click here: https://docs.joestown.com
Can I be part of this project somehow?
Will you be available on other chains beside Avalanche?
The mining life isn't for me, how to I get out?

Mining Questions (5)

Mining is in our blood, but we are not born knowing how to mine!

How do I mine Diamonds?
Once you’ve purchased your Miner NFT from the Mint section, she will appear under the Operation section. There, a box will appear above your miners to have them get digging.
Can I have more than one miner?
How to level up?
Can I sell my Miner NFT anywhere?
I am having problems minting with Ledger, how can I fix it?